Effective October 1, 2016, the State Accounting Office in cooperation with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget have updated the Statewide Travel policy: Meal Per Diems calculation on the First and Last day of Travel:
4.4 Meal Per Diems during OVERNIGHT Travel: Employees traveling overnight are generally eligible for per diem amounts designed to cover the cost of three (3) meals per day for all days on travel status other than the day of departure and the day of return.
First and Last day of Travel
- Travelers are eligible for 75 percent (75%) of the total per diem rate on the first and last day of travel. For example, if the per diem rate allows a $28 total reimbursement, $21.00 would be allowable on a travel departure or return day ($28 x .75 = $21.) As a result, the time of departure and time of return are not considerations for calculating the Meal Per Diem when associated with overnight travel.
- When meals are provided to an employee in conjunction with travel events on a travel departure or return day, the full meals per diem reimbursement rate is reduced by the amount of the provided meal(s) after the 75% proration. For example, if the per diem allows a $28 total reimbursement, and lunch was provided at no cost on a travel departure or return day, the total allowable reimbursement for that day would be $14 [$28 *.75= $21 less $7 lunch (Full Per Diem) = $14.00].
For trips involving multiple travel destinations, base the reduction on the per diem rate in effect where the night was spent, as follows:
- Departure Day: Where you spend the night.
- Return Day: Where you spent the night before returning to your Residence or Primary Work Station.
Important Note: All travel expense reports that have not been approved by the Business Office as of October 27th, 2016 will be modified and approved in accordance with this new policy. The Business Office will send an email to each employee that will be impacted by this change.