With essential living expenses like housing, food, and fuel rising, you may be tempted to put off saving for your retirement. If you’ve ever considered putting off retirement saving, don’t miss this seminar: Your Retirement Plan at Work.
At this educational seminar from VALIC, you’ll learn:
- Why it’s important to start saving for retirement
- The benefits of participating in your workplace retirement plan
- The features of the most common retirement plans offered by employers
- How to take action toward saving for a comfortable lifestyle in retirement
Join us on: September 26, 2016; 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Presenters: Joe Okraski & Mike Beuttel – Financial Advisors
Attend in person or online (free snacks provided): Clayton State University – Clayton Hall, Room T116, 2000 Clayton State Blvd. Morrow, GA 30260
Register TODAY: https://borusg.webex.com/borusg/onstage/g.php?MTID=efa9401e7ca80502b4b48535e23b17dae