Looking ahead and planning for the future is very important. Valic can help you with investing in your future! This is available to part-time and full-time employees. They will be available to discuss: GHC Retirement Savings Accounts Teacher Retirement System Optional Retirement Plan Social Security Setting up New Accounts Reviewing Current Accounts Financial Planning Monday […]
Monthly Archives: July 2016
USG eclips for July 28, 2016
University System News: www.news.nau.edu President Cheng meets with higher education leaders, highlights student success at NAU http://news.nau.edu/president-cheng-meets-higher-education-leaders-highlights-student-success-nau/#.V5oo7PkrKUk President Rita Cheng recently outlined “Student Success in Times of Budget Cuts” to higher education leaders from around the country during the State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) annual meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. Cheng detailed how Northern Arizona […]
USG eclips for July 27, 2016
University System News: www.insidehighered.com Vermont’s Merger Map Experts praise a proposed arrangement — which system officials avoid calling the “M-word” — but faculty members on the affected campuses worry about local identity. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/07/27/vermont-pushes-combine-public-colleges-administrations By Rick Seltzer The Vermont State Colleges’ move to fold two of the state’s northern colleges into one institution reflects increasing interest […]
Most Likely to Become College President?
Employees have the opportunity to recognize their coworkers in some fun superlative categories. Each person who makes a nomination will be put into a drawing. You can nominate multiple people, but you can only nominate an employee once in each category. Who do you think is most likely to become College President? For this […]
Loss of a Retiree
With great sadness, we are informing you of the passing of one of our retirees, Judy Sims. Judy passed away July 26, 2016. F.K. Jones Funeral Home has charge of the arrangement, which are incomplete. If HR is informed of any additional information, we will provide an update in GHC Inform.
USG eclips for July 26, 2016
University System News: www.13wmaz.com Veteran education center opening next week in Warner Robins http://www.13wmaz.com/news/local/veteran-education-center-opens-doors-next-week/280495271 Karli Barnett, WMAZ For many who serve our country, coming home is where the real battle begins. Next week, a new veteran center will officially open its doors in Warner Robins. The project broke ground in 2014, and construction began last […]
Convention Attendees Fall Victim to Fake Wi-Fi
Security research company Avast Software set up fake Wi-Fi access points with network names like “Google Starbucks”, “Xfinitywifi”, “I Vote Trump! free internet”, and “Attwifi” at various locations around the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week. While many attendees intentionally connected to these networks, many others did so unknowingly because their devices were set […]
USG eclips for July 25, 2016
University System News: www.ajc.com Georgia Tech settles two lawsuits involving sexual assaults http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local-education/georgia-tech-settles-two-lawsuits-involving-sexual/nr4qc/ Janel Davis, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution The University System of Georgia has settled two lawsuits by Georgia Tech students who claimed they were expelled unfairly after being wrongly accused of sexual assault. The settlements, released through an open-records request, were completed in June […]
USG eclips for July 22, 2016
USG Institutions: www.ajc.com Most popular occupations for the grads of these Georgia universities http://www.ajc.com/news/business/employment/most-popular-occupations-georgia-college-graduates/nrtZ2/?utm_source=eGaMorning&utm_campaign=fe461f8072-7_22_16&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_54a77f93dd-fe461f8072-86731974 Carolyn Cunningham, For the AJC Jobs in engineering, business, health, computer science and education are among the most popular occupations for graduates of various Georgia colleges and universities. For Clayton State University graduates, the top occupations are business management, health professional, […]
USG eclips for July 21, 2016
USG Institutions: www.13wmaz.com MGSU Dublin to offer 4-year degrees http://www.13wmaz.com/news/local/mgsu-dublin-to-offer-4-year-degrees/277201613 Next year, students at Middle Georgia State University’s Dublin campus can graduate with a four-year degree. Currently, 400 to 500 students take classes at the Dublin campus every semester earning associate’s degrees. Beginning fall 2017, they will offer bachelor’s degrees in health services administration and […]