Assessing your Self-Care and finding strategies to take care of yourself is absolutely vital, so that you can be healthy to care for others. “In case of emergency, place the oxygen mask on yourself before assisting those around you.” I hope that these assessments have been helpful not only as a personal check-in, but also as a challenge to find those “oxygen masks” that will revitalize you as you serve others.
This final assessment focuses on one’s workplace or professional self-care and provides an overview of effective strategies to maintain a healthy self. After completing the section choose one item that you will actively work to improve.
Rating: 5= frequently; 4=occasionally; 3=rarely; 2= never; 1=It never occurred to me
Workplace or Professional Self-Care
Take a break during the workday (lunch, walks)
Take time to chat with co-workers
Make quiet time to complete tasks
Identify projects or tasks that are exciting and rewarding
Set limits with your students and colleagues
Balance your caseload so that no one day or part of a day is “too much”
Arrange your work space so it is comfortable and comforting
Get regular supervision or consultation
Negotiate for your needs (benefits, pay raise)
Have a peer support group
Develop an area of professional interest
Strive for balance within your work-life and workday
Strive for balance among work, family, play, and rest