Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are going to have to postpone the GHC Tree clothing sale. If you have items to contribute to the clothing sale once we have it rescheduled or would like to help with the event, please feel free to contact Sherri Beideck or Terri Cavender.
Monthly Archives: March 2015
USG e-clips from March 31, 2015
University System News: www.onlineathens.com Georgia colleges on target to graduate 250K by 2025 http://onlineathens.com/uga/2015-03-30/georgia-colleges-target-graduate-250k-2025 By LEE SHEARER The University System of Georgia is currently on target to achieve a more educated workforce for the state by steadily increasing the number of Georgia college graduates. The goal is to have to 250,000 more college graduates by […]
USBank Expense Tracker App
See the attached flyer to learn how to ditch the paper trail and keep your healthcare expenses better organized, even when you are on the go! USBAnk Expense Tracker
YARD SIGNS: Time to display them again!
It’s time to put out your “Enroll Now” GHC promotional yard signs again so we can make a push for summer enrollment. If you did not get a GHC “Enroll Now” yard sign last fall and would like one, please email shjones@highlands.edu. If you are able, please participate in this grass roots marketing campaign by […]
Lisa Williams at Cartersville Thursday
SPECIAL EVENT! Ms. Lisa Williams, founder and director of Living Water for Girls, will speak at GHC April 2nd. You do not want to miss hearing this dynamic speaker and her important message! Ms. Williams will speak on her mission of helping girls and young women survivors of violence, street life, and human sex-trafficking and […]
USG e-clips from March 30, 2015
University System News: www.coosavalleynews.com USG Foundation Raises $1M+ for Needs Scholarships http://www.coosavalleynews.com/np111003.htm CVN News In his opening remarks at the annual Regents` Scholarship Gala held at the College Football Hall of Fame, University System of Georgia Foundation Chair Regent James M. Hull announced that the USG Foundation raised more than $1million-a record-in corporate contributions. Funds […]
GHC Tree Clothing Sale
In line with Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle principle wellness theme during April and an effort to raise funds to support our GHC Tree, Georgia Highlands Rome campus will be having a clothing sale. You can support our efforts by donating gently worn clothing, accessories and shoes in good condition to the Digital Media suite in […]
Intramural Corn Hole
This Wednesday April 1st we will have Intramural Corn Hole out in the area in front of the library. We will have pizza and all people who participate will receive a GHC Intramural T-Shirt. We will have the Corn Hole set up April 1st, April 15th and April 29th from 12-2pm. Any questions contact Coach […]
Intramural 5 on 5 Basketball
We will be playing intramural basketball this Thursday April 2nd at 7pm in the Floyd Campus Gym. All that participate will receive a GHC Intramural T-Shirt. Any questions contact Coach Merritt @ jmerritt@highlands.edu
Intramural Billiards Tournament
Intramural Billiards Tournament sign up sheet will be posted in the Game Room Today thru Thursday April 2nd. Brackets will be posted Monday April 6th and play will begin Tuesday April 7th. Any questions contact Coach Merritt at jmerritt1975@highlands.edu