USG e-Clips from October 3, 2014

Valdosta State University is investing in its future and its students through unique community partnerships.
Karen Kirkpatrick Kennedy
Valdosta State University President Dr. William McKinney cited Engaged Innovation as his inaugural theme when he was named president in 2012. It’s a theme that resonates to this day with a new strategic plan that includes engagement as one of it’s five pillars and a growing number of creative – even innovative – award-winning partnerships and programs designed to engage students, faculty, staff and the community. The goals: to create a better educated workforce, ensure VSU continues as an economic driver for the South Georgia region and enhance the lives of everyone who is touched by the university.
Georgia Campuses Go Smoke Free October 1
Claire Simms
ATLANTA — All 33 campuses under the University System of Georgia will be smoke free starting October 1, 2014. The smoking ban includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes and even e-cigarettes. The Board of Regents adopted the new “tobacco and smoke-free campus policy” in March, with the goal of making its campuses healthier. According to, the policy includes e-cigarettes because college students have the highest rate of using electronic smoking devices and preliminary studies about their health effects show similar risks to those of tobacco products.
University System ban on tobacco products starts today
By Derreck Booth Editor
DAHLONEGA – It became official Wednesday. The University System of Georgia’s ban on tobacco products at all of its member schools went into effect. The University of North Georgia (UNG) is included in the ban, which includes prohibition in parking lots, residence halls and athletic facilities. UNG previously restricted tobacco use.
College campuses start tobacco ban
Elise Brown, WMAZ
All colleges and universities under the University System of Georgia have to abide by a new tobacco ban. “The purpose of the policy is to create a health-supporting community for everyone, tobacco-users and non-users alike. The new policy also supports the right of all people on university system campuses to breathe smoke-free air,” stated the system on its website. In Central Georgia, that ban applies to Middle Georgia State College, Georgia College and State University, and Fort Valley State University.
GPC Newton’s tobacco-free policy begins Wednesday
By Ryan McKenzie
COVINGTON – Students at Georgia Perimeter College’s Newton campus may find the air to be a bit clearer than before. GPC Newton now has a new policy, effective immediately, which bans the use of all tobacco products on campus, according to a released statement. This new policy defines tobacco products as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and any other smoking devices that use tobacco, such as hookahs, or simulate the use of tobacco such as electronic cigarettes.

Related article:
GPC Newton’s tobacco-free policy begins Wednesday
Jewish UGA students question scheduling of homecoming on Yom Kippur
By Janel Davis
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Jewish students at the University of Georgia are discouraged that the college has scheduled its homecoming game on the religion’s holiest of days. UGA is set to take on Vanderbilt on Saturday, but the Jewish students say their observation of Yom Kippur will prevent them from attending the game. The students have written a letter they plan to deliver to university officials this week about their disappointment in the timing of the game.

Related article:
UGA students protest Yom Kippur Homecoming

Georgia Gwinnett College given healthiest campus accreditation
By Keith Farner
LAWRENCEVILLE — A non-profit organization has named Georgia Gwinnett College a “HealthLead Campus” for the school’s efforts about student wellness. U.S. Healthiest, a non-profit established in 2008 to improving health across the country, elevated GGC from bronze to silver, Dr. Nick Baird, CEO of U.S. Healthiest, announced on Tuesday in preparation for an annual HealthLead forum on Oct. 10.
UNG receives $5.2 million gift to support Corps of Cadets
By Staff
DAHLONEGA – The University of North Georgia has received property worth an estimated $5.2 million from the estate of Army Col. Lewis “Jack” Peevy, who died in January at age 71, to establish a fund to support the Corps of Cadets. The gift is the second-largest gift in the university’s history and the second from Peevy, a graduate of the university who had a 30-year military career.

‘Freshman 15’ being exaggerated?
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – College students may not gain the much-dreaded “freshman 15” but they do gain weight during their years in school, according to a fresh look at some past research. Young adults gained an average of about 3.5 pounds (about 1.6 kg) over their college careers with a relatively small gain during the first year, researchers found. “Everyone puts so much emphasis on at first year of college,” said Michael Fedewa, the study’s lead author from the University of Georgia in Athens.
UGA: Minority buying power rises, Hispanics lead the way
Atlanta Business Chronicle
U.S. minority groups’ buying power has reached new levels heights and continues to outpace cumulative inflation, according to the latest Multicultural Economy Report from the Selig Center for Economic Growth at The University of Georgia Terry College of Business. The study, defines “buying power” as the total personal income of residents available after taxes. It does not include dollars that are borrowed or were previously saved.

Research Efforts Continue for Georgia Cotton Growers

Research Efforts Continue for Georgia Cotton Growers
by Randall
University of Georgia Extension Cotton Agronomist Guy Collins knows the importance of their research projects, but also wants growers to know they depend quite a bit on the Georgia Cotton Commission for dollars to fund those efforts.

The Biz beat
Georgia Tech to allow shopping, dining payments with bitcoins
By Christopher Seward
Georgia Tech will become the first university to allow bitcoin payments for stadium concessions, student dining and shopping, the university and virtual money payment processor BitPay announced Wednesday.
Learning From Minority-Serving Institutions
by Clifton Conrad
I’ve spent my entire career studying undergraduate and graduate education, and I’ve visited over 40 historically Black colleges and universities as part of my work as an expert witness for the U.S. government in major civil rights cases regarding race and gender in higher education. But not until Marybeth Gasman and I recently completed a three-year study of student success at MSIs (including HBCUs, TCUs, HSIs and ANNAPISIs) did I begin to develop a deep appreciation for how much many of us in higher education can learn from MSIs about cultivating equal educational opportunity for all students.
Are We Asking the Right Questions at EDUCAUSE?
By Joshua Kim
I had one of the weird out-of-body experiences while walking around the vendor floor at EDUCAUSE today. My mind flash-forwarded to 2020. The booths were bigger and fancier. The technologies on display were more powerful and flexible. The state of the art for learning analytics and adaptive learning platforms had improved exponentially. But yet, even with all this wonderful tech progress on display on the EDUCAUSE vendor floor in 2020, nothing had really changed in higher ed. The 2020 future I imagined as I wondered from booth to booth was one where:
The Future of Higher Education
Steven Mintz
With a number of leading for-profits beset by legal and financial woes, enrollment in online education leveling off, and MOOCs off the front pages, one might reasonably conclude that the threats to higher ed posed by what was hailed as “disruptive innovation” have abated. No so.

Education News
Tuskegee University Joins Ranks of Schools Banning Tobacco Use on Campus
by Jamal Eric Watson
Tuskegee University, the historically black college founded by Booker T. Washington, is the latest institution to ban tobacco use on campus. In doing so, the Alabama school joins the rank of more than 1,300 other colleges and universities across the country that have also implemented a tobacco free policy on their campus. Tuskegee’s policy prohibits the use of all tobacco products as well as e-cigarettes, water pipes or vapor devices on all areas of the sprawling campus.
U. of California Will Review Out-of-State Admissions
The University of California System plans to review its recent push to admit more out-of-state applicants, the Associated Press reported. Janet Napolitano, president of the university system, told the AP, “There are enough people that are concerned about it and have expressed that concern to me — and I’ve seen it myself by looking at the numbers — that it deserves a serious look, and we are giving it that.”
U. of Chicago Expands Aid for Low-Income Students
The University of Chicago today announced an expansion of efforts to help low-income students.
University of California to Add ‘Gender-Neutral’ Restrooms
by Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO ― Responding to concerns raised by gay and transgender students and employees, University of California President Janet Napolitano directed the system’s 10 campuses on Monday to create more gender-neutral restrooms and to allow students to update their records with a preferred name that does not necessarily match their legal name. The two actions respond to recommendations from a task force that started meeting before Napolitano assumed the president’s job a year ago Tuesday and which she has expanded into an ongoing advisory group to come up with suggestions for how the university can be more LGBT-inclusive.
Outrage at Michigan
By Scott Jaschik
University of Michigan students marched to the president’s home Tuesday to demand the firing of the athletic director amid a growing controversy over the university’s response — or rather, the lack of an immediate response — to a player’s concussion.
Stable Priorities, Unstable Times
By Carl Straumsheim
ORLANDO — As the higher education IT community meets at the annual Educause conference in search the next big thing, a survey shows IT officials still place training and support for faculty, staff and students at the top of their priority lists.
Optimism About MOOCs Fades in Campus IT Offices
by Rebecca Koenig
MOOC fever is cooling, at least among campus information-technology administrators, according to the 2014 edition of the Campus Computing Survey, an annual report on technology in higher education.
Unequal All Around
By Colleen Flaherty
Conventional wisdom says that while there are many barriers for women pursuing advanced degrees, the “pipeline” to the sciences, technology, engineering and math is particularly leaky. But a new paper from the American Institutes for Research suggests that that overrepresentation of men Ph.D.s compared to women isn’t a worse problem in STEM than in non-STEM fields, when preparation and interest are taken into account.
A University for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Takes Action
Gallaudet University, the Washington, D.C., institution for the deaf and hard of hearing, has been praised by the Department of Justice for its work in educating staff members and students on sexual-misconduct issues.
Federal Innovation Grants Unveiled
Michael Stratford
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration announced Tuesday that it will award a total of $75 million to 24 colleges to support innovations in higher education. The Education Department chose the winners of the grant competition from a pool of nearly 500 applicants, officials said. The grants are going to 19 public and private four-year institutions and five community colleges. No for-profit institutions were eligible for the award.

Related article:
Meet the First Winners of the Education Dept.’s ‘First in the World’ Grants
Hampton University Shares in $75M First In The World Grants Program
by Catherine Morris
The U.S. Department of Education announced the 24 colleges and universities who cumulatively were awarded $75 million from the First In The World (FITW) four-year grants program. Almost 500 institutions applied after the grants program was proposed in May. Of 24 grant-winning colleges, 6 are minority-serving institutions, including Hampton University, the lone historically Black school to share in the awards. These institutions will receive a total of $20 million out of the $75 million. Hampton University will get $3.5 million.
New Center Seeks to Boost Knowledge, Interest in Hispanic-Serving Institutions
by Charles Dervarics
Seeking to address a gap in knowledge about Hispanic-serving colleges nationwide, a leading research group on Tuesday launched a virtual data center to provide key information about these institutions as well as promising practices in serving Latino students. The Hispanic-Serving Institutions Center for Policy and Practice, or HSI-CP², will provide researchers, university leaders and the general public with accessible information on Latinos in higher education, said leaders at Excelencia in Education, a Washington, D.C., organization that unveiled the project.