The TRS Board approved the below contribution rates for FY2016.
Effective July 1, 2015
FISCAL YEAR 2016 – TRS Contribution Rates
Employee Contribution Rate 6.00%
Employer Contribution Rate 14.27%
Please see below for the average salary limitations for the Teachers Retirement System (TRS). The following policy for maximum salary increases in order to compute a member’s highest two-year average salary for FY2015 are as follows:
Teachers Retirement System
FISCAL YEAR 2015 –TRS Average Salary Limitation
Employees of the Board of Regents 3.50%
All Others 4.34%
The percentages are in accordance with Georgia law and apply only to TRS members whose current date of membership is on or after July 1, 1984.
If you have any questions or need anything additional please feel free to contact TRS directly at 404-352-6523.