FREE Wellness Seminar – Get Back Into the Game of Life: Orthopaedic Health

Physician Speaker, Dr. Christopher Piller, a Harbin Clinic Orthopaedic Surgeon will be speaking on Tuesday, June 10th at 5:30 pm about how you can get back into the game faster! You don’t have to be an athlete to need the services of an Orthopaedic specialist. From household activities and family outings to recreational sports leagues, orthopaedic injuries can happen to anyone. Don’t let everyday injuries sideline you from activities that you enjoy.

Seminar begins at 5:30pm in the Lower Level Classrooms at Redmond Regional Medical Center. Light Refreshments will be served. This seminar is FREE but seating is limited. To register, please call 706-368-8480.

See attached flyer for more information.
