I just wanted to say thanks to all who participated in the Wellness Program this academic year. I hope that you are reaping the rewards of a healthy lifestyle.
I also wanted to share a success story with you from one of my students, Sam Mixson, who has been actively changing his lifestyle since high school. Since then, he has lost over 70 lbs and has done something I’ve never had a student do before, jog the Pine Mountain Trail without stopping. In my Walking and Jogging class, I offer extra credit to any student who is able to jog both loops without stopping. This particular trail includes 1200 feet of elevation gain over about 2 miles and very challenging terrain. Most people struggle to walk the trail so jogging the entire two loops is rare. In order to jog it without stopping, a student has to develop their fitness by learning the training principles from class time discussions and applying them in and outside of class. If you have Sam as a student or know him from previous classes, please congratulate him on his hard work and accomplishments.
If you have a success story, please don’t be too humble to share. They’re a wonderful way to encourage our GHC Wellness Community.