The Second Annual ORK Loves GHC Photo Contest
Do you have a great photograph from a GHC campus, club event, study abroad trip, or other GHC-related activity? If so, we’d like to see it! Please enter your photograph(s) in the second annual ORK Loves GHC Photo Contest.
THREE winning photographs will be chosen. Winners will receive a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble and publication in the 2014 issue of Old Red Kimono. GHC students, faculty, staff, and alumni are invited to participate.*
• The deadline has been extended to FRIDAY, MARCH 7.
• Photographs taken on any GHC campus and/or at any GHC sponsored events are eligible.
• Limit of FOUR photographs per person
• Please email your photograph(s) to Nancy Applegate (, with the subject line “Photo Contest Entry.” Include a brief caption (20 words or fewer) with your name, the title of each photo, and the GHC campus or event where each photo was taken.
• In addition to the three winning photographs, additional entries may receive honorable mention and be published on the GHC web page or in other GHC publications. If your photograph is used, you will receive acknowledgement.
ORK would like to thank the GHC Foundation for its support of this contest.
* ORK faculty advisors and student editors may not enter the contest.