USG eClips

ABAC rededication activities today include painting by world famous artist
Special to The Gazette
TIFTON — When Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College unveils its historic front campus in a 1:30 p.m. rededication ceremony today, a unique painting from a world famous Georgia artist will be a part of the festivities.
Tuskegee Airmen speak, honored at UGA
The University of Georgia honored three American heroes as Black History Month drew to a close Thursday — members of the famed Tuskegee Airmen who took questions from a large crowd in the UGA Chapel on Thursday night.
Georgia Archives vote postponed — again
By Curt Yeomans
ATLANTA — For the third day in a row, state representatives put off a vote on legislation to give the state’s university system control of the Morrow-based Georgia Archives on Thursday.
GRU’s vice provost takes responsibility for doctored photos
By Steve Crawford
Staff Writer
A senior Georgia Regents Uni­ver­sity official took responsibility Thursday for a controversial publication that used altered photos of Augusta State University athletes.
New Ga. university criticized for altering photos
By JEFF MARTIN – Associated Press
ATLANTA — “Augusta State” was removed from photos of golfers and other athletes in a marketing publication to promote a new school created when Augusta State and Georgia Health Sciences University merged.
Officials at the new school, Georgia Regents University, said Thursday the altered photos were an “error in judgment.”

Related articles:
New Ga. university criticized for altering photos
New Ga. university criticized for altering photos of athletes by removing school name–Team-Names-Erased
Woman accused of double billing
by Alan Riquelmy, staff writer
A Rome woman was arrested Wednesday on theft charges for double billing UGA and Floyd County Parks and Recreation for the same work, authorities said. Elizabeth Ansley Brewster, 33, of 4 River Valley Court, faces two misdemeanor counts of theft by deception, Floyd County Jail records state. According to reports, Brewster misled her supervisor at the University of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension Office twice in 2012 — by giving the false impression she’d be working at the county Parks and Recreation Department as part of her daily duties.

Which Universities Are Ranked Highest by College Officials?
Have you ever wondered which universities have the best reputations among college officials? To answer that question, U.S. News is publishing the reputation rankings for schools in the National Universities rankings category that placed highest in terms of undergraduate academic reputation in our Best Colleges 2013 rankings. Reputation is very important to prospective students. In a survey of freshmen by the University of California—Los Angeles, students rated whether a college has a good academic reputation as the No. 1 factor that influenced their school choice, indicating their firm belief that reputation matters to a significant degree… The table below shows the schools in the National Universities ranking category with highest academic reputation rankings. Georgia Institute of Technology: 36 (U.S. News National Universities rank), 4.1 (Undergraduate academic peer assessment score ), 22 (Undergraduate academic peer assessment rank).–1-1-million-to-UWG-s-Richards-College?instance=TG_home_story_offset
Southwire donates $1.1 million to UWG’s Richards College
As they prepare for careers in business, university students face a changing landscape, where focus is shifting from current and recent earnings reports to long-term profitability. …To help train those future leaders, Southwire Company and the University of West Georgia’s Richards College of Business on Thursday unveiled the Southwire Sustainable Business Honors Program. Funded by a $1.1 million gift from Southwire, the program will allow students to complete undergraduate business studies and earn MBA degrees in four years.
By Maria Saporta
Ray Anderson Foundation gift to set up Georgia Tech sustainability center
The legacy of Ray Anderson, a corporate champion of sustainability, will live on at Georgia Tech. The Ray C. Anderson Foundation has awarded a $750,000 grant to Georgia Tech to establish the Center on Business Strategies of Sustainability (CBSS) within the Ernest Scheller Jr. College of Business.


Fort Valley State University Program Creates a Pipeline for Energy Industry Engineers

Fort Valley State University Program Creates a Pipeline for Energy Industry Engineers
The Cooperative Developmental Energy Program at Fort Valley State University in Georgia is celebrating its 30th anniversary. For the past three decades the dual-degree program has prepared high achieving minority students for careers in the energy industry.
Car tax remedy in danger of stalling
By Aaron Gould Sheinin and Kristina Torres
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A smooth ride was expected for legislation to fix an inequity in the state’s new car tax, before its head-on collision with an apparent tax hike of $141 million. …The problem, however, is that last year’s changes flubbed several issues affecting consumers and industry people alike. For instance, it created a double tax on car leases. In a rush to fix those problems, however, House lawmakers voted for House Bill 80 without determining how much it would cost, although their leadership believed it was revenue-neutral. But senators asked Georgia State University’s fiscal research center for an estimate of the bill’s cost to the state. The answer? HB 80 amounted to a $141 million tax increase.
Ancient ‘Egyptian Blue’ Pigment Points to New Telecommunications, Security Ink Technology
Feb. 20, 2013 — A bright blue pigment used 5,000 years ago is giving modern scientists clues toward the development of new nanomaterials with potential uses in state-of-the-art medical imaging devices, remote controls for televisions, security inks and other technology. That’s the conclusion of an article on the pigment, Egyptian blue, in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. …The authors acknowledge funding from the University of Georgia.

UGA researchers identify brain pathway triggering impulsive eating
Athens, Ga. – New research from the University of Georgia has identified the neural pathways in an insect brain tied to eating for pleasure, a discovery that sheds light on mirror impulsive eating pathways in the human brain.
Solidoodle 3D printing stores set to bring ‘upscale fashion shopping’ to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
By Brian Heater
Looking for an “upscale fashion shopping experience” in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Belarus? Solidoodle’s got your back. The company is set to launch 3D printing stores in those areas, featuring its low cost 3D printers and “lifestyle” items created on said devices. The Russian store is set to be the first to open this summer. The company also used its press conference today to announce plans to sell printers in Brazil, Canada, Korea and Japan, as well as a join initiative with Georgia Institute of Technology’s Mars Society to test the devices in “harsh environments like Mars” (places like Utah, apparently).
Dust Devils Power Energy Machine
Dust devils are swirling micro-tornadoes that pop up regularly in dry, warm climates or during the summertime. Researchers say they have figured out how to tame the tiny twisters and extract their energy using a rotating turbine blade. A team at Georgia Tech has built a small demonstration prototype about three feet wide. It looks like the inside of an aircraft engine rotor turned on its side. Warm air flows in through a series of vanes that force the buoyant ground-heated air to rotate as it rises. This spinning creates a powerful vortex, or “dust devil,” according to Ari Glezer, the principal investigator and professor of mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech. As the column of air rises, it draws in more hot air to keep going.
Growing number of universities want to fly drones over campus, report shows
By Perry Chiaramonte
As college students are finding themselves, are schools using drones to find them?
Thirty-four colleges and universities applied for permission to fly unmanned surveillance drones over campuses across the country in 2012, according to records obtained by a privacy watchdog group. The schools cite plans for a wide array of scientific research, yet activists and privacy experts are nevertheless concerned about the high-flying spies. …The Georgia Institute of Technology’s police department applied for a permit to use two small helicopter drones during special events, as well as day-to-day operations, “to respond to areas before a police officer would quickly place ‘eyes on the target or crisis area’.”‘robotics-revolution’-hinges-training-and-education#
True success of ‘robotics revolution’ hinges on training and education
Packaging professionals should stay abreast of a robotics conversation that won’t be going away any time soon.
By Pat Reynolds, VP/Editor
Packaging professionals should stay abreast of a robotics conversation that won’t be going away any time soon. It’s a conversation about jobs, as in “Do robots kill jobs?” The short answer was “yes” in a January 13 episode of the popular TV program 60 Minutes. But a week later, at the co-located ProMat and Automate 2013 shows at Chicago’s McCormick Place, a definitive “no” was the answer posited by Henrik I. Christensen. He’s the Kuka chair of robotics at Georgia Tech and was the opening-day keynote speaker at the conference that was part of ProMat/Automate.
Water Solutions: Rainwater harvesting for homes and business
Submitted by collin
The Regional Business Coalition of Metropolitan Atlanta (RBC) and the Southeast Rainwater Harvesting Systems Association (SERHSA) have kicked off a region-wide initiative to encourage homeowners and businesses in Metro Atlanta to install rainwater-harvesting systems as an effective water conservation measure. Studies by the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District indicate that over the next 20 years water demand in the metro Atlanta region could exceed one billion gallons of water per day. Metro Atlanta relies primarily on surface water from reservoirs and rivers for its water supply needs, simply because ground water is very limited in the area… A study verified by independent researchers at Georgia Tech concluded that if just one out of every 10 existing metro Atlanta homes and businesses used rainwater harvesting, this technology could potentially reduce demand for water from city and county water systems by roughly 27 million gallons per day.

Bill would direct legal video poker profits to HOPE
By Aaron Gould Sheinin
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
More money could flow to the HOPE scholarship program under legislation given key committee approval Thursday. House Bill 478, sponsored by Rep. Matt Ramsey, R-Peachtree City, would give control and enforcement of legal video poker machines to the Georgia Lottery Corp. and direct that a share of the profits go to the lottery-funded HOPE program.
Panel OKs lower HOPE grant standard
Dave Williams
Staff Writer-
Atlanta Business Chronicle
Technical college students earning at least a 2.0 grade point average would qualify for Georgia’s HOPE grants program under legislation approved by the state House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee Friday.
Ranking state Republican would lift gun restrictions
By Kristina Torres
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A ranking House Republican on Thursday proposed this year’s most comprehensive gun bill to date, suggesting firearms should be allowed without restrictions in the state’s churches and bars. – See more at:
ATDC retools for greater relevancy
Urvaksh Karkaria
Staff Writer-Atlanta Business Chronicle
A more than 30-year-old Atlanta business incubator is planning a major expansion — in scope, staff and square footage — in an effort to stay relevant in a changing industry landscape. The Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) plans to open multiple satellite offices in Midtown, where it will focus on nurturing startups in niches, such as microelectronics fabrication, medical devices, advanced manufacturing and cleantech. …“We’re going to be substantially expanding ATDC — more people, more tasks, more space,” said Stephen Fleming, general manager of Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute, the ATDC’s parent organization.

The expunging of Augusta
GRU brochure erases photographic connections with Augusta and further wipes away community goodwill
By Augusta Chronicle Editorial Staff
To insult and injury, they have added arrogance and cowardice – amid a climate of fear, oppression and reprisal. Sadly enough, we’re not talking about a far-off dictatorship; we’re describing, only in part, the blanket of condescension, coercion, reprisal and iron-fisted tyranny that has descended over what is now known as Georgia Regents University.–Door-to-college-opens-wider-?instance=secondary_stories_left_column
FRIDAY BLOG: Door to college opens wider
by Rome News-Tribune
FOR THOSE IN ROME and within driving range who are pursuing or planning for a higher education, it is a pretty neat thing that the Technical College System of Georgia and 19 of the members of the Georgia Independent College Association have agreed to something not common in other states.
Get Schooled with Maureen Downey
Sen. Jason Carter: We have not tackled any real education issues this legislative session
A frustrated State Sen. Jason Carter, D-Atlanta, took to the Senate well to protest the indifference of the Legislature to the serious education problems facing Georgia, including school funding.
Yes, Virginia is O.K. But…
By Garrison Walters
The governance crisis at the University of Virginia is over and the results are surprisingly positive. A strong president remains in place and a great university remains on track. I even applaud Governor McDonnell’s decision to reappoint the Board of Visitors chair, Helen Dragas.
How Cengage Learning Views the Changing Higher Ed Landscape
By Joshua Kim
The world of educational publishing is completely fascinating. What other industry faces more pressure to change in this world of print-to-digital than textbook publishers? How will the leadership of the large education publishing companies pull off this transition? What role will publishing play in how higher ed evolves in an age of information abundance?

Education News
McDaniel leaving GNTC for post with Technical College System of Georgia
by Doug Walker, Associate Editor
Craig McDaniel, president of Georgia Northwestern Technical College, is leaving the school to become assistant commissioner for the Technical College System of Georgia’s International Center in Atlanta.
Pell Grants may be available for truck driving students
Staff report
SAVANNAH — Savannah Technical College has been selected by the U.S. Department of Education to offer Pell Grant funding to qualified students enrolled in selected short-term certificate programs, like the commercial truck driving program.
5 Experts Give the College Scorecard a Barely Passing Grade
By Ann Schnoebelen
In his State of the Union address earlier this month, President Obama announced the release of the College Scorecard, a project he first proposed in a speech at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor last year. The interactive online tool provides comparable information on college affordability and value, to help students and families figure out “where you can get the most bang for your education buck,” the president said.
Support builds for Ligon’s build to reject national education standards
Supporters said it waters down curriculum, is too costly and stifles innovation
By Walter C. Jones
ATLANTA | A coalition of state and national conservative groups is backing legislation that would withdraw Georgia from national school standards adopted last year, arguing they are too costly and not rigorous enough.
The groups met with reporters before they and various parents testified before the Senate Education and Youth Committee on behalf of Senate Bill 167 that would mandate withdrawal.
Teachers Say They Are Unprepared for Common Core
Unpreparedness is cited in common-core survey
By Catherine Gewertz
Even as the Common Core State Standards are being put into practice across most of the country, nearly half of teachers feel unprepared to teach them, especially to disadvantaged students, according to a new survey.
Character Education Seen as Student-Achievement Tool
By Caralee J. Adams
Many school administrators are realizing character education, once thought of as an intrusion on the school day, can actually help students perform better. A growing body of research supports its effectiveness, and educators say they’ve seen a difference in students when positive value lessons become part of the school’s culture
Affirmative Action, Innovation and the Financial Future: A Survey of Presidents
By Doug Lederman
With the U.S. Supreme Court poised to rule (again) on the constitutionality of considering race in college admissions, higher education leaders have been in virtual lockstep — through legal briefs filed by scores of groups and associations, newspaper op-eds by individual presidents, and the like — in asserting that curtailing affirmative action would hurt the quality of the education students receive.
Survey: Prospective Students Still Focus on Sticker Price
Many admissions officers, not to mention college presidents, have for years complained that prospective students focus too much on “sticker price” (stated prices of a college) rather than the actual cost to students and families (which may be considerably lower than sticker price, once aid is factored in).
Financial Aid Defrauders Target Community Colleges
KILLEEN -Millions of students nationwide depend on financial aid to pay for college but some people are scamming the system. The American Association of Community Colleges says defrauder target community colleges because they’re easy to get into and cost of tuition is low.
American Association of Community Colleges holds Dialogue on Veterans
Source: My Southwest GA
VALDOSTA, GA — The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) held a “Dialogue on Veterans” in Washington, DC on February 11. Wiregrass Georgia Technical College President Dr. Ray Perren was one of 25 community college presidents invited to attend the daylong event. The event gave colleges who work closely with veterans groups the opportunity to meet with policy makers and other veterans groups to discuss ways to provide stronger support for veterans seeking to enter or re-enter college.
Fla. gov. needs help from skeptical legislators
Associated Press
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida Gov. Rick Scott, entering what could be a crucial make or break legislative session, is calling on state lawmakers to make what he’s calling “smart choices.” These choices include a $2,500 across the board pay raise for teachers as well as eliminating sales taxes now charged to manufacturers when they purchase equipment.

Concerns That Regents Are Micromanaging Colleges
Dan Branch, the Dallas Republican who is the chairman of the House Higher Education Committee, worries that the 2013 legislative session could become a repeat of 2011, when his agenda was overshadowed by tensions between university system regents, academics and lawmakers over questions of governance and reforms.
New U.S. Law Includes Sexual Assault Provisions for Colleges
WASHINGTON – The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, passed by the House of Representatives on Thursday and now headed to President Obama’s desk to be signed, includes the Campus SaVE Act, a provision that will require more crime reporting and sexual assault prevention measures.

Related article:
Change In Law May Spur Campus Action On Sexual Assaults
Q&A: Federal K-12 Policy Chief Shares Outlook
By Michele McNeil
Last April—less than seven months before President Barack Obama’s re-election—former Ohio schools chief Deborah S. Delisle was confirmed as the top point person on K-12 policy within the U.S. Department of Education. As the assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education, Ms. Delisle is in charge of about 60 programs—including Title I, the precollegiate flagship focused on disadvantaged students—and more than $20 billion in federal grants. Perhaps her most important task is overseeing the implementation of waivers under the No Child Left Behind Act, the current version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Ms. Delisle sat down with Education Week on Jan. 31 for a wide-ranging interview. What follows is an edited transcript.

SAT Is Getting a Redesign
The College Board is planning to redesign the SAT, less than a decade since its last revision, which introduced a writing section, eliminated analogies and raised the value of a perfect score.
Sequestration Presents Uncertain Outlook for Students, Researchers, and Job-Seekers
By Allie Bidwell
As the midnight-Thursday deadline came and went, steep federal spending cuts were set in motion, leaving college students, administrators, and researchers bracing for the effects of impending reductions in financial-aid, research, and job-training programs. Adding to the anxiety is the fact that no one is certain exactly how or when those effects will be seen.
Dire Warnings as Cuts Approach
By Libby A. Nelson
WASHINGTON — Sequestration is almost here.
After months of failed deals, delays and countless dire warnings about mandatory, across-the-board budget cuts, the cuts go into effect at midnight tonight. A last-minute deal could, in theory, delay the cuts again, if not avert them entirely — but few here expect that to happen.

Other News
Sequestration might not be so easily noticeable in Athens area
Sequestration is scheduled to begin today, but the much-touted impact might be difficult to immediately notice. Unless Congress and the Obama administration came up with a last-minute compromise Thursday evening, budgets for most federal programs are supposed to be automatically cut by about $1.2 trillion, including hundreds of millions in Georgia, as part of the so-called sequestration measures formed by an earlier compromise on spending and taxes between Democrats and Republicans.