Next Week @ CETL: How to Earn a HIPs Designation & UDL Lab

HIPs Planning & Proposals

Mon., Nov. 7 |  2:00-3:00 pm, Zoom  |  Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht

Are you already teaching a High Impact Practice (HIP) course and want to know what’s next? Do you want to learn more about HIP courses in general? Are you ready to propose a course for HIP designation in Banner? Join us for a webinar about HIPs. We will discuss teaching High Impact Practices (HIPs) courses, assessing the course for the elements of a HIP, how to move the needle on existing courses, and how to propose a HIP course to your Dean.

Lab: Universal Design for Learning

Asynchronous D2L work: Tues., Nov 8-Fri., Nov 11 |  Facilitator: Josie Baudier

Synchronous Wrap-up Meeting: Fri., Nov 11, 12:00-12:30 pm

CETL labs facilitate asynchronous hands-on engagement with pedagogical professional development over a four-day period in preparation for a culminating synchronous meeting. Participants in this mini lab should expect to work independently for 4 hours to complete the asynchronous lab components and meet for 30 minutes virtually to wrap up the lab together. Over the four days, we will explore different strategies and practices to fulfill UDLs 3 main tenants: Engagement, Representation, and Action and Expression.

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