Self-Care Assessment – Emotional

Around this time of year I often hear people say that they are emotionally spent, drained, exhausted, or even empty. Classes are coming to completion, students are either finishing well or struggling to the end, holiday gatherings are beginning, which may or may not be a time of rejoicing for you.

In this next assessment, take a look at how you are doing in the area of emotional self-care. Choose a few areas in which you would like to focus your attention to strengthen your emotional well-being.

Rating: 5= frequently; 4=occasionally; 3=rarely; 2= never; 1=It never occurred to me

Emotional Self-Care

 Spend time with others whose company you enjoy
 Stay in contact with important people in your life
 Give yourself affirmations, praise yourself
 Love yourself
 Re-read favorite books, re-view favorite movies
 Identify comforting activities objects, people, relationships, places and seek them out
 Allow yourself to cry
 Find things that make you laugh
 Express your outrage in social action, letters and donations, marches, protests
 Play with children